
Sustainability plays a particularly important role for us. Few people know that plastics can be a low-CO2 alternative to metals.

For example, the production of aluminium products releases an average of 16.5 tons of CO2 equivalents per tonne are released during the production of aluminum products (source: European Aluminium Association, “Environmental Profile Report for the European Aluminum Industry,” 2020). In contrast, the processing of processing of virgin plastic granulate only causes around 2.0 to 3.5 tons of CO2 equivalents (Source: PlasticsEurope, “Eco-profiles and Environmental Product Declarations of the European Plastics Manufacturers,” 2019). A concrete example of this is the use of plastic of plastic instead of aluminum in the automotive industry, particularly in the production of interior components such as dashboards. If, for example, 100 kg of aluminum is replaced by plastic, up to 1,350 kg of CO2 equivalents can be saved. can be saved. Through the use of modern plastics and optimized designs similar mass-to-payload ratios can be achieved as with aluminum, resulting in a This means a saving of over 80% in CO2 equivalents.


In addition, the use of recycled plastics compared to new granulates, another 60% of CO2 emissions can be saved on average (Source: T. Kuikui et al, “Carbon Footprint of Recycled Plastics: A Case Study Based on Recycled PET from China,” Science of The Total Environment, vol. 653, 2019). This is because This is because recycled plastics require less energy to process than new raw material. In addition, the avoidance of landfills for plastic waste through recycling further contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

These are just a few examples of how the use of plastics can help to reduce CO2 emissions. We therefore advocate the substitution of metals with metals with plastics and, on the other hand, for a responsible and sustainable sustainable use of plastics as a material. Our commitment includes promoting innovations in the field of plastics technology and recycling as well as the development of new and innovative plastic-based products. We also strive to continuously reduce CO2 emissions by increasing the use of recycled materials and optimizing our production processes to continuously reduce CO2 emissions. Another important aspect is the integration of bioplastics into our product range. Bioplastics, which produced from renewable resources offer a more environmentally friendly alternative to alternative to conventional plastics and help to reduce dependence on fossil raw materials. on fossil raw materials.

Our aim is to play a pioneering role in the field of sustainability through new products and the active use of recycled materials and bioplastics, we aim to play a pioneering role in the field of sustainability and thus making a positive contribution to climate protection.